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Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Happy Women's Day Everyone

Today, March 8th is International Women's Day, a festival that has been around for over 80 days and its origins lie in the socialist and suffrage movements.

I don't like it.

Don't get me wrong, I think there should be a day dedicated to discussions of equality and fairness for women, I just have a problem with the air of indignant outrage that some of the discussions I've heard today. All day on the radio, back and forth like a tennis ball, men have been asking "When's National Men Day?" and women have been replying "Every day is national men's day".

That's not right.

If you want to talk about equality, then you should apply it to everyone. Equally. Then maybe we could keep moving the discussion forward instead of just flipping it around.

However on the upside I found pictures of the First Albanian Annual National Men's Day 2002. What would men do to celebrate their manliness? Hold meetings, enjoy a good sit and have beards. Delightful.

There should be an International Student Journalists' Day where lectures are cancelled and we all sit around doing nothing. Oh, wait...
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